LaNMP: A Language-Conditioned Mobile Manipulation Benchmark for Autonomous Robots

1Brown University, 2Rutgers University, 3University of Pennsylvania

Under Review for NeurIPS Datasets & Benchmarks Track 24 (Single Blind)


As robots that follow natural language become more capable and prevalent, we need a benchmark to holistically develop and evaluate their ability to solve long-horizon mobile manipulation tasks in large, diverse environments. To tackle this challenge, robots must use visual and language understanding, navigation, and manipulation capabilities. Existing datasets do not integrate all these aspects, restricting their efficacy as benchmarks.

To address this gap, we present the Language, Navigation, Manipulation, Perception (LaNMP) dataset and demonstrate the benefits of integrating these four capabilities and various modalities. LaNMP comprises 574 trajectories across eight simulated and real-world environments for long-horizon room-to-room pick-and-place tasks specified by natural language. Trajectories consists of over 20 attributes, including RGB-Dimages, segmentations, and the poses of the robot body, end-effector, and grasped objects. We fine-tuned and tested two models in simulation to demonstrate the benchmark’s efficacy in development and evaluation, as well as making models more sample efficient. The models performed suboptimally compared to humans across various metrics; however, showed promise in increasing model sample efficiency, indicating significant room for developing better multimodal mobile manipulation models using our benchmark.


Trajectory figure

Examples of the Data's Schema

Simulation - at every time step of the 524 trajectories

        "nl_command": "Find the pepper and put it on top of the green chair with a blue pillow on it.",
        "scene": "FloorPlan_Train8_1",
        "steps": [
                "sim_time": 0.19645099341869354,
                "wall-clock_time": "15:49:37.334",
                "action": "Initialize",
                "state_body": [ # robot pose
                "state_ee": [ # end-effector pose
                "hand_sphere_radius": 0.05999999865889549
                "held_objs": [],
                "held_objs_state": {},
                "inst_det2D": {
                    "keys": [ # identified instances in the environment
                    "values": [ # bounding box coordinates of each instance
                        [418, 43, 1139, 220],
                        [315, 0, 417, 113],
                        [728, 715, 760, 719],
                "rgb": "./rgb_0.npy", # path of visual data for this timestep
                "depth": "./depth_0.npy",
                "inst_seg": "./inst_seg_0.npy",

Real - at every time step of the 50 trajectories

          "language_command": "Take the cup from the table in the dining area which is closest to the stairs and bring it to the table near the
            couches in the corner of the big dining room besides the windows.",
          "scene_name": "upstairs",
          "wall_clock_time": "05:29:40.117",
          "left_fisheye_rgb": "./Trajectories/trajectories/data_33/", # path of visual data for this timestep
          "left_fisheye_depth": "./Trajectories/trajectories/data_33/",
          "right_fisheye_rgb": "./Trajectories/trajectories/data_33/",
          "right_fisheye_depth": "./Trajectories/trajectories/data_33/",
          "gripper_rgb": "./Trajectories/trajectories/data_33/",
          "gripper_depth": "./Trajectories/trajectories/data_33/",
          "left_fisheye_instance_seg": "./Trajectories/trajectories/data_33/",
          "right_fisheye_instance_seg": "./Trajectories/trajectories/data_33/",
          "gripper_fisheye_instance_seg": "./Trajectories/trajectories/data_33/",
          "body_state": {"x": 1.3496176111016192, "y": 0.005613277629761049, "z": 0.15747965011090911},
          "body_quaternion": {"w": 0.04275326839680784, "x": -0.0008884984706659231, "y": -0.00030123853590331847, "z": 0.999085220522855},
          "body_orientation": {"r": -0.003024387647253151, "p": 0.017297610440263775, "y": 3.05395206999625},
          "body_linear_velocity": {"x": 0.00015309476140765987, "y": 0.001022209848280799, "z": 0.0001717336942742603},
          "body_angular_velocity": {"x": 4.532841128101956e-05, "y": 0.003003578426140623, "z": -0.0046712267592016726},
          "arm_state_rel_body": {"x": 0.5535466074943542, "y": -0.00041040460928343236, "z": 0.2611726224422455},
          "arm_quaternion_rel_body": {"w": 0.9999685287475586, "x": -0.0011630485532805324, "y": 0.007775876671075821, "z": 0.007775876671075821},
          "arm_orientation_rel_body": {"x": -0.0023426745301198485, "y": 0.015549442728134426, "z": -0.0021046873064696214},
          "arm_state_global": {"x": 0.7976601233169699, "y": -0.00041040460928343236, "z": 0.2611726224422455},
          "arm_quaternion_global": {"w": 0.043804580215426665, "x": -0.008706641097541701, "y": -0.0011317045101892497, "z": 0.9990015291187636},
          "arm_orientation_global": {"x": -0.003024387647253151, "y": 0.017297610440263775, "z": 3.05395206999625},
          "arm_linear_velocity": {"x": 0.002919594927038712, "y": 0.004658882987521996, "z": 0.012878690074243797},
          "arm_angular_velocity": {"x": -0.01867944403436315, "y": 0.02911512882983833, "z": -0.008279345145765714},
          "arm_stowed": 1, # Boolean
          "gripper_open_percentage": 0.39261579513549805,
          "object_held": 0, # Boolean
          "feet_state_rel_body": [
              {"x": 0.3215886056423187, "y": 0.17115488648414612, "z": -0.5142754912376404},
              {"x": 0.32302412390708923, "y": -0.17028175294399261, "z": -0.5178792476654053},
              {"x": -0.27173668146133423, "y": 0.16949543356895447, "z": -0.5153297185897827},
              {"x": -0.2700275778770447, "y": -0.1685962975025177, "z": -0.5157276391983032}],
          "feet_state_global": [
              {"x": -0.3341075772867149, "y": -0.14278573670828154, "z": -0.5149532673227382},
              {"x": -0.3063631798978494, "y": 0.19752718640765313, "z": -0.518328069669068},
              {"x": 0.25719142551156154, "y": -0.19181889447285838, "z": -0.5149682779363334},
              {"x": 0.2843717159282008, "y": 0.1451830347804529, "z": -0.5151399962832868}],
          "all_joint_angles": {
              "fl.hx": 0.010119102895259857,
              "fl.hy": 0.7966763973236084,
              "": -1.576759934425354, ...},
          "all_joint_velocities": {
              "fl.hx": -0.00440612155944109,
              "fl.hy": -0.004167056642472744,
              "": -0.007508249022066593, ...}


Environment counts, action distribution, and trajectory lengths.

Real-World Maps

The maps of the environments made by the robot to be used for data collection. On the left is the 2D visualization and on the right is a 3D point cloud of the environment. The top row depicts the laboratory and the bottom row depicts the multi-floor university building environments.

Lab maps figure


This work is supported by ONR under grant award numbers N00014-22-1-2592 and N00014-23-1-2794, NSF under grant award number CNS-2150184, and with support from Amazon Robotics. We also thank Aryan Singh, George Chemmala, Ziyi Yang, David Paulius, Ivy He, Lakshita Dodeja, Mingxi Jia, Benned Hedegaard, Thao Nguyen, Selena Williams, Benedict Quartey, Tuluhan Akbulut, and George Konidaris for their help in various phases of work.


    Coming Soon!